Monday, October 1, 2007

i told you she was the best

i came home a few minutes ago to a nice little care package from my wonderful girlfriend emily. thanks so much for everything in it.

it contained:

-a letter from emily explaining everything
-a scorecard from when her and shannon attended the jays-red sox game in boston
-two packages of reese's pieces chocolate
-a lonely planet korean phrasebook (to replace the one that i had already lost here)
-a nice little journal with an even nicer little note inside
-a toronto star article on korean hanoks (traditional korean homes), as well as a postcard with so many sweet things to say from emily's mom
-a couple tiny craft cats that must have broken en route here but i'll keep the severed head closeby as a good luck charm - is that wrong?
-and finally, my favourite thing: a whole bunch of pictures from the fun summer of 2007

thanks again. i know what i'll have for dinner later.

1 comment:

emily said...

no, you are the best...thats why i do it